Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The various levels of CRAZY

There has to be different degrees and levels of crazy!

Like, I am crazy about green guts chocolate.... but that is really ... like it cause its yummy and will no doubt take up residence at my arse or thighs shortly after consumption!!

In my household, there are many different types of crazy. The normal rollercoaster crazy kind of day that I am sure all families have. Then there are the days when everyone is off on their own tangent.... always a loud crazy day. Then, if it has all gone to shit and the mother has growled... turns crazy quiet in the house.... don't disturb the beast! There is the crazy silly days when everyone is clowning around and then the crazy visitor days when you cant move for the bodies in the house (which all require coffee or feeding if they are short ones), then there is.....

you offer your opinion or make a comment, observation or voice something you have been thinking about (it is usually a way out there thing, I don't do things by halves)and the world stops and looks at you like you have lost your marbles*.....
*my personal favorite that one lol

Then there is the kind of crazy where your closest friends say to you.... are you ok? do we need to call the fellas in the little white suits? have you been taking your prozac? why are you washing the walls? Think you need to come over for a cuppa!!

I recon I visit all the levels of crazy in any given week... I think that a healthy dose of crazy/nuts/silly is a great thing, even at my ripe old age.. ....

Imagine being the kind of person who never gets out there and just goes with the flow or never does something cause its fun and feels good..... BORING!!!

I think I am very lucky because all of my kids have inherited the crazy gene from me lol

Hope everyone embraces that part of themselves 'cause life would be so dull and boring if you didnt.

So if anyone asks if I am crazy.... I just say 'hell yes' and get on with life


Casdok said...

Good for you!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi i think you have been a bit slack on your blog you are not keeping us up to date with what is going on with you and your kids.It makes my day to read what you have been up to.Keep it up you are doing well. But you do do it all on your owen you know your friends are just for support and to keep you from going crazy.Keep up the good work