Sunday, December 7, 2008

A clean shed is the reward from a day of chucking out all the stuff you accumulate over time with the 'might need that one day' mentality. Well after a day of cleansing and a trailer full of JUNK to prove it, I am now the proud owner of a clean organised shed.

Nothing like chucking out stuff (AKA Junk, Rubbish and missing lids) and sweeping and sorting out to make a therapist be unemployed. lol There is something quite theraputic about getting rid of dirt, dust, junk, stuff you havn't seen for years and stuff you can't beleive you kept.

Next time someone tells me that they think they need to see a shrink...... I will highly reccomend cleaning out the shed. Also, if all gose to plan.... it will eleviate insomnia, as not only will you be bloody knackered from moving all the stuff around, but getting sneaky and chucking out some of the kids stuff at the same time is to be considered a little tricky.

First the shed......

now who knows what else will be sorted, cleaned and de-junked??!!

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